Some SEO strategies that must be abandoned in 2015

If you've started your way in the search engines, you should know that SEO is a matter of continuously variable and can not stay on the same strategies from year to year.The following strategies have been uncovered by the search engines and must discontinue use in 2015 and forever

 keyword stuffing

Some web sites owners still believe that keyword stuffing is still important and they are doing significantly thinking that this practice will help in the process of raising their position in the search results.

An example of this practice, which is still to this day:
Keyword Stuffing Example

That's not all because keyword stuffing includes other practices could be the word "get rid of obesity" in the following text:

"Do you want to get rid of obesity Go to the appropriate place to get rid of obesity because you have to get rid of obesity today, this medicine will help you to get rid of obesity, and this Cisaaadk device to get rid of obesity as well."

Previous text simple example of keyword stuffing inside the text, a practice similar to stuffing keywords in the header of the site, and these practices must stay away from them because they are no longer relevant or useful for your site and have no real little benefit.

You can replace these practices with Correct ways Which is caught keywords in the search engines.

Keyword Stuffing practice leads to death:

Penguin - a decline in searches

Invisible Text - Hidden text

SEO specialists who know that keyword stuffing bad practice of the user experience on the site, they created a way to heed the search results which is dumping site with hidden texts unnoticed from the visitor.


 Invisible Text Example

The previous text could have been black, black background color will prevent you as a visitor from note the existence of this text. This led search engine to search intensively for anti solutions to this bad practice and the solution by Google is the update to the Panda algorithm which uprooted websites that rely these methods from the root.

This practice leads to death:

Panda - the decline in operations research / lack of appearing

Article Spinning - article / content sewing

To the date of this writing, this practice is still widespread among website owners, whether in the West or in the East, and lack of access to the new laws is one of the reasons behind the increase in such phenomena.

Ranging content sewing under many titles will mention the most important:

I- 1. A website owner  bring in number of topics, for example, bring 4 threads and does truncate a small portion of each topic to make them his own article. (This practice is exposed by the search engines)

I- 2. re-use content-generating programs, called spinner program to do its part by mixing text and produce for you a unique text is not in the Web, but sadly not understandable. (This practice also have been exposed)

Google is working to make sure from validity and accuracy of word in articles that are published on the web, and if Google noticed  having difficulty in understanding the content or it contains many misspellings, are passed directly and this type of content is named "thin content".

This practice leads to Death:

Panda - the decline in operations research / lack of appearing.

Link Farming - Farms links

The idea of farms links is as follows , some of the sites owners meet and they reach an agreement, "You give me a link and I will give you a link" in the hope that they tricked Google and say, Look how much trusted links we have

Let's make this clear in the following picture:

link Farming Example

View of the planned find them a great idea we all want more links, but Google believes that this practice is a violation that would influence the ranking of search results illegally, so in case if you practice this you have to prepare yourself to receive a slap from Google.

This practice leads to Death:

Penguin - a decline in searches.

Spammy blogs - spam blogs

When you all spammy will learn? Google could  sniff your smell a few miles away, and still these blogs are increasing day after day and the question is when will you all stop this practice.

the idea of spam blogs Is about about creating a site and start copying and pasting this site without worrying about any principle from Web principles and blogging in general, and without attention to that the unique content is the most important factor rankings in the search engines for this year.

This practice leads to Death:

Penguin - lack in searches.

And i hope this for all of you spammy blogs 

 For Guest blog watch this Video

 How Can I guest blog without it appearing as if i paid links ?

Have you ever passed penalty of the search engines and Google in particular, explain to us how it was
Did you succeeded in overcoming this? Do you need help to get out of this punishment?

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