Step by Step - Bring any site to the first page of search result

Today we will go deeper into the world of SEO to learn together all the steps that you should be doing to take your website to the first page of Google within 30 days in any field you want, and even if your Rival is very difficult

If you're not convinced of my words I will wait at the end of Thread ...

You can go up with any site to the first page of search result if you set up a powerful arsenal that will help you achieve results in quick time and more importantly, to achieve these results in quick time is to keep them for a long time, and here lies the difficulty.

First Content: How do you find an effective content and how to writing it

Image Source : http://sparksheet.com/

In order to climb to the first page of search result should be available in your content three things: -

I- 1 - Continuity
I- 2 - Quality
I- 3 - Plan

- In order to climb  the first page of search result, you have to write more than lowest site on the first page, meaning that if the site No. 10 on the first page writes 30 pieces of content a month at the rate of one a day you have to write 60 pieces of content a month at the rate of two a day. ..

- Shepherd to write non transferee content, non inspired by another piece of content, even if not lengthy,

Write what google will not find it duplicated in archive in any way, this is one of the most important signals that Google evaluates your site through

- Develop an action plan for your content, do not write 30 subject to the same idea, the best forms of content is progressive, start a series of topics step by step and select the type of content that visitors loves .

 How do you discover the type of content that the visitors are looking for ?I

Begin by Buzzsumo site and look for the most heavily shared content on Social Media for content ideas and split in monthly action plan ...

Those who do not know Buzzsumo site is a specialist site in knowing more content pieces heavily shared content on the Internet in various fields and in different timings.

The importance of this is it gives you an idea about the most important content that people are looking for ideas and shared strongly on the Internet frequently.

After perform a search on a particular keyword and select a date, Last 30 Days, enter the result on the number 1, 2 and 3 and read them well, and take some notes in Spreadsheet because you will create a piece of improved content through the three topics.

We will write compound improved content of the best content pieces, which won the admiration of people in the last month by knowing more words used in these subjects, and the number of words in those subjects and collect together, taking into account that the number of words in your page link is less than three threads together

Your choice of expressive picture in order to encourage the user to post on social networking sites, and not just a expressionistic image for the title of the subject or content, you can get this kind of pictures on Flicker.com and never forget to remember the source below the image

Example : 

After finding the idea of the subject matter that combines the three ideas together into one piece content and find a catchy title which has targeted keyword and find some  sharable  pictures on Social Media, it's the time of writing the content here are two ways ...

(I- 1 - Write content From scratch (the best solution

I- 2 - the three assembly threads within a single subject with different wording

Writing content from scratch: If you have the ability to write content from scratch includes the three ideas into one piece, this wonderful and will help you achieve quick results and will benefit the site and will contribute to the quality of your content in the ascension of the first page in Google

assembly topics within a single topic: if you do not have the ability to write content from scratch, all you have to do is read the three topics a good reading bring a pen and paper, write the three topics down each other, add an introduction and end of the topic with some changes in the order of sentences.

Then, after completion, examine your own piece content on Copyscape site to make sure that Google's algorithms do not read them as a piece of movable content from other sites, if you see it transferred from other sites, continued to make some adjustments to become exclusive and drafting method ...

If you can do this every day for 30 days, your site will bring a paradigm shift that lie ahead you will climb the first page within  only 30 days , the process of finding effective content ideas, take notes and write a piece of new content may take you three hours a day max.

Professionals and the most desire in success has to write two a day! , And this will not help them to climb only the first page, but also occupation of the first three results in Google!

 Second Backlinks 

We will follow in this section 3 ways just do not
  This will help to go up the first page within 30 days, what you need to do is to keep under implementation on a daily basis ...

No. 1 Press Releases Distribution

I- 1 - Go To : Prlog.org

2. Register a free account at the site

You must take into account several things using Prlog.org

I- 1. You must increase the number of letters of your Press release to 2000 characters
I- 2. When add a link to your site, make sure you add a link, not plain textual  as follows Visit our website: http://www.Th3Internet.tk
I- 4. You can create a number 2 press release a week on the site

I- 5. Always Make sure that It's high quality and exclusive, related to the content of your site

Required of you is from 4 to 8 press releases per month on Prlog this will contribute very significantly in strengthening _ your link profile
"Note Prlog site Nofollow links" So purpose is not to get Authourty but earn Google trust and build a high-quality free PR links.

No. 2 / Back Links do unfollow high quality ...

We will resort to one of the most prevalent social networks in the United States, which is Reddit.com

Also Checkout this post about the best powerfull link builder 

Why Reddit?

This network is the most resurgence in the content network after Facebook and Twitter, the users sharing the news, views, pictures and videos via the Sub reddits and shall be voted upon negatively or positively.

How do we get Backlinks from Reddit?

In this image one of the Member's account, his own Page Authourty is 46 and as you can see external Dofollow links ...

You'll create a new account on the site and publish your posts links through New Link TAB until we have do follow links to these topics

Then we will enter the following sections: Rising & Top

And we will choose the Reddits which Has No comments on it

press Comment

Will leave a comment on these Reddits

Make sure to be related to its contents, without any of your Links or any attempt to get Back-Link directly from this comment.

With the large number of comments on the various common and distinctive reddits that is shared your account will get a high Authourty in a short period and this Authourty will be converted to the extension of your posts and your home within 30 days.

Give it 30 minutes a day on Reddits

To enjoy and get some wonderful Back Links at the same time!

Number 3 get Social Signals daily through BuzzBundle program

After downloading the program click on the word Add Stream

Then type keywords related to the content of your site, "a word in each line."

The program will search in the forums, blogs and social networking sites Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, YouTube and Yahoo Answers site to find all topics and videos and Posts and tweets related to key words that you typed in the program interface.

You can leave a comment on any of the blogs or forums and get Back-Link

You can also comment on Yahoo questions with the Keyword that related to your site

You must have an account on Yahoo answers until the publication of your answer

You can respond to tweets related to the field of your site and provide them with solutions or resources to help them through Reply button directly as the following picture this Will Give you many followers on Twitter and also gives you some great targeted Social Signals , high-quality and most importantly they are real ..

You can do the same for Google Plus and comment With your account page on Google Plus Posts related to your field, whether the advice of your site or source or a very usual Comment as the following picture, will gain followers and earn Google trust in a short period ...

The same thing also works well with YouTube, you can comment on your channel on YouTube videos which have content related to your site and your channel on YouTube to get internal Authourty on YouTube and earn effectively Social Signals from YouTube to your site during the first thirty days ...

I'll let you discover the rest of great properties of the program on your own

I want to note that this is the free version, it allows you to deal with 35% of search results that the program finds which is enough dramatically to get effectively Social Signals strong in the beginning but if you want to buy the full version you can get from here

If you take from your time half an hour a day to get effectively Social Signals genuine and high quality through BuzzBundle program.

If you followed the plan of action that i've shared with you in this post I guarantee you by not less than 99% that you will climb the first page of Google within 30 days with the permission of God ..

For marketing your site quickly and effectively Use Stumbleupon Paid Discovery

If you want market a featured piece of content inside your site in a short time and get some wonderful targeted visits and cpermanent  followers , The best site offers you this is  Stumbleupon through effective advertising service

I- 1.  Create new campaign

Adjust the campaign settings target audience interested in the content inside 
your site

Select the amount you want to spend on your campaign and would prefer that you pay a fixed amount per day and not more than $ 10 nor less than $ 5

And do not forget to Check for Engaged Visitors only
That means you'll get visitors who stay in the page your subject more than a minute.

Thus, you'll get a good number of those interested in your topic, and if your content won their admiration This campaign will be a batch which will bring you more Shares on Social Signals different channels because Stumbleupon platform is one of the largest content platforms in the world.

In the end, I hope that I success in the explanation, if you have any queries or adding

Everyone wants to share it do not hesitate to put them through the comments at the bottom.

Best regards / Moka Moka

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